Are You An Employer
InternSource is a full-service program that recruits, hires and manages paid student interns for government agencies and private industry. Companies benefit from the talent, energy and enthusiasm of student interns to develop their future workforce while students gain knowledge and insight from working in their chosen field of study. InternSource currently employs hundreds of students who work in a variety of positions that include but are not limited to:
Who is the employer for student interns?
As InternSource is a program of The Community College Foundation (TCCF), TCCF is the employer of record. TCCF maintains the personnel files, processes any worker’s compensation claims, and conducts any investigation into harassment or discrimination. InternSource’s experienced staff processes payroll, distributes paychecks and manages all tax-related procedures. The worksite is then able to mentor the student intern without worrying about the burden of administrative processes.
What types of students are available through InternSource?
We customize our recruitment to reach students desirable for the worksite. We recruit students enrolled in a variety of academic programs at high schools and accredited colleges.
How does InternSource know what type of students are needed?
Before recruitment begins, the worksite completes a recruitment request that specifies the type of student preferred, including academic studies and related experience. InternSource staff works closely with each worksite to tailor the recruitment to meet the needs of the position.
Diversity is a key issue with my organization. How can you help?
InternSource encourages and supports diversity through student recruitment. If your worksite is looking to create diversity, we have suggestions to help.
What type of jobs can a student perform?
We strongly encourage worksites to provide job opportunities that will enhance the student’s academic studies. Students can perform a variety of jobs including, but not limited to: program management, engineering, database management, administrative support, web design, computer programming, human resources assistance, environmental management, and so on. The job duties are directly related to the needs of the worksite.
How long does it take to find and place a student?
After receiving a completed recruitment request, our staff distributes the student job announcement within 24 hours to all applicable colleges and universities within the hiring area. We also post the announcement to our web site. Worksites will typically receive resumes within two weeks.
How is a student selected from the applicant pool?
InternSource offers the option of screening resumes for the worksite. However, the worksite does the interviewing since you will be working directly with the student.
How long may a student work?
Student hours are determined by the needs of the worksite. However, students MUST maintain a part-time schedule overall and generally will work an average of a maximum of 25 hours per week. The typical duration of employment for student interns ranges from six to twelve months.
Who sets the student’s pay rate?
The worksite sets the pay rate and InternSource charges the agreed upon indirect fee based on the set pay rate. The worksite also initiates any pay changes for active students.
What is the cost to the worksite?
We charge the worksite for direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are calculated on the basis of identifiable, service-related expenditures for student internships calculated on an hourly basis.
For more information, you may also contact Jamie Stedman, InternSource Program Manager, at 916-418-5124, or by email to [email protected]. We look forward to discussing how TCCF can meet your current staffing needs!
InternSource is a full-service program that recruits, hires and manages paid student interns for government agencies and private industry. Companies benefit from the talent, energy and enthusiasm of student interns to develop their future workforce while students gain knowledge and insight from working in their chosen field of study. InternSource currently employs hundreds of students who work in a variety of positions that include but are not limited to:
- Engineering
- Project Management
- Management Information Systems
- Clerical
- Computer Programming
- Target students and find interns specific to your needs. The selection process is at the discretion of your worksite. Ex: if your company would like an intern majoring in engineering from a college in Alameda County, we can find you that student
- Produce tailored student job announcements and share them with our contacts at more than 100 public and private high school and higher education institutions
- Post job announcements on our website so students can easily access job information at any time
Who is the employer for student interns?
As InternSource is a program of The Community College Foundation (TCCF), TCCF is the employer of record. TCCF maintains the personnel files, processes any worker’s compensation claims, and conducts any investigation into harassment or discrimination. InternSource’s experienced staff processes payroll, distributes paychecks and manages all tax-related procedures. The worksite is then able to mentor the student intern without worrying about the burden of administrative processes.
What types of students are available through InternSource?
We customize our recruitment to reach students desirable for the worksite. We recruit students enrolled in a variety of academic programs at high schools and accredited colleges.
How does InternSource know what type of students are needed?
Before recruitment begins, the worksite completes a recruitment request that specifies the type of student preferred, including academic studies and related experience. InternSource staff works closely with each worksite to tailor the recruitment to meet the needs of the position.
Diversity is a key issue with my organization. How can you help?
InternSource encourages and supports diversity through student recruitment. If your worksite is looking to create diversity, we have suggestions to help.
What type of jobs can a student perform?
We strongly encourage worksites to provide job opportunities that will enhance the student’s academic studies. Students can perform a variety of jobs including, but not limited to: program management, engineering, database management, administrative support, web design, computer programming, human resources assistance, environmental management, and so on. The job duties are directly related to the needs of the worksite.
How long does it take to find and place a student?
After receiving a completed recruitment request, our staff distributes the student job announcement within 24 hours to all applicable colleges and universities within the hiring area. We also post the announcement to our web site. Worksites will typically receive resumes within two weeks.
How is a student selected from the applicant pool?
InternSource offers the option of screening resumes for the worksite. However, the worksite does the interviewing since you will be working directly with the student.
How long may a student work?
Student hours are determined by the needs of the worksite. However, students MUST maintain a part-time schedule overall and generally will work an average of a maximum of 25 hours per week. The typical duration of employment for student interns ranges from six to twelve months.
Who sets the student’s pay rate?
The worksite sets the pay rate and InternSource charges the agreed upon indirect fee based on the set pay rate. The worksite also initiates any pay changes for active students.
What is the cost to the worksite?
We charge the worksite for direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are calculated on the basis of identifiable, service-related expenditures for student internships calculated on an hourly basis.
For more information, you may also contact Jamie Stedman, InternSource Program Manager, at 916-418-5124, or by email to [email protected]. We look forward to discussing how TCCF can meet your current staffing needs!